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Unlocking the Key to Optimal Nutritional Treatment: Tackling Malnutrition and Sarcopenia
In the webinar, the important role of protein and protein quality in the nutritional treatment will be highlighted. AGENDA Welcome and introduction Susanne Wolff. Nordic Scientific advisor and Medical affairs manager, Nestlé Health Science. Ph.D. Human Nutrition. Nutrition for the malnourished patient -What is the current evidence telling us? Philipp Schuetz, Professor, Chief Physician, General Internal Medicine and Emergency Medicine, Kantonsspital Aarau. Professor Schuetz is the researcher behind the well-recognized EFFORT study, which showed that individualized nutritional support can reduce severe complications and improve mortality in medical inpatients, with positive effects on functional outcomes and quality of life. During the lecture, Professor Schuetz will highlight how we can work to improve the management of malnutrition, and what the optimal use of nutritional support is to improve patients’ outcome. The important role of protein and protein quality in nutritional treatment Ola Wallengren, Senior Dietitian, PhD, Clinical Nutrition Unit, Sahlgerenska University Hospital During the the lecture, Ola will talk about nutritional treatment for patients with malnutrition and sarcopenia, focusing on the role of protein and protein quality. In addition, Ola will touch upon the current recommendations, and how these can be met. New innovations from Nestlé Health Science Malin Kinhult. Nordic Senior Brand Manager, Nestlé Health Science. M.Sc. Nutrition and Bioscience.
Cows' Milk Allergy
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Prevention and treatment of food allergy
Anna Asarnoj, MD PhD, Associate Professor, Consultant Pediatrician and Pediatric Allergist, gives this two part lecture on both prevention, diagnosis and treatment of allergies. Log in to see the full lecture.
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Sarcopenia - Taking charge of your muscle health
With age, we gradually begin to lose muscle mass, bone mass and strength. Sarcopenia is a serious condition which becomes more common with age and is characterized by a progressive loss of skeletal muscle mass and strength, which results in functional decline and is associated with an increased risk of adverse health outcomes.
Enteral Nutrition
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A National Retrospective multi-centre study to Monitor Gastrointestinal Feed - Tolerance in Children who have Switched to a tuba feed containing food-derived ingredients (Isosource® Junior Mix*)
This real-world evidence study explores the results from a UK multi-centre retrospective study of children who have switched to a tube feed containing food-derived ingredients. Read the publication, or watch our webinar where speakers discuss the positive outcomes and the potential impact they might have on local guidelines or day to day clinical practice.
Cows' Milk Allergy
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- Article
Melkeskolen – del 1 (Vibeke Fossum): Som helsesykepleier møter man ofte små barn med diffuse symptomer som kan minne om melkeallergi. Men når skal man mistenke melkeallergi? Hvordan skille mellom sutrete normale barn og syke barn? Hvordan stilles diagnosen kumelkproteinallergi, og hva er veien videre for mor og barn? Barnelege Vibeke Fossum vil gi deg svare på dette og mye mer.
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Normal Swallowing Process
Video demonstrating the normal swallowing process.
Neurological Disorders
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Anthropometric Measurements in children with cerebral palsy